Saturday, December 26, 2015

Is Forever Enough

Living across the country, away from everyone and everything you grew up with, sometimes makes the holidays a little hard. It's bittersweet. I am not sad as this year comes to a close. I am filled with a renewed sense of hope.
The last 7 years have certainly had their ups and downs but, whose life doesn't? This little life we've built together is no better or worse than anyone else. Yes, not being able to have a child is hard. More difficult than can be explained. There will be worse times ahead and there will be amazing times ahead. That is life.

I think I always knew, right in core of my soul that I would adopt.  It was always just a fleeting thought though. One of those every once in awhile scenarios you think of and how you would handle it. After we moved to California, we began to see signs for adoption all the time. I think we would've started the process earlier but, I needed...we needed to try and go as far as we could with fertility treatments. We needed to be sure that we went as far as we felt necessary, and when I felt that my body and my spirit had been through enough, we opened the door to adoption. I know that we both went back and forth with it. It was the easiest and most difficult decision to make. I know I went back and forth on whether or not to adopt I had at one point ruled it out because of the cost.

With all that being said, we decided to launch a GoFundMe campaign.  We absolutely do not expect that will raise all the money that adoption will cost. We just hope to defer some of the cost.  Here is a link

We made a little video. All we is that you watch it and share.