Wednesday, March 2, 2016


I very recently had a discussion with my husband and our friend during a car ride back from the desert. I've heard the saying you can't love someone if you can't love yourself first. And I don't think that is entirely true. I think it's really easy to love someone. When you meet someone you see them as they are faults and all. You love all those little quirks that make them who they are. And it goes the other way around too. We discussed the faults we find in ourselves. Johnny(our friend) pointed out that I have Lenny and he loves me for who I am and that we are lucky to be a solid team together. And that is absolutely true. I have learned that even the slightest hint of someone being fake or disrespectful, that it's okay to just walk away. You don't have to be perfect for them or anyone else.

Loving yourself is really fucking hard. I internalize so much stuff, I  judge myself so harshly and hold myself to  an unattainable standard. You start to limit yourself.  You hold yourself back from things you use to love to do. It sucks.I would sometimes wonder if the way I feel about myself is because of what the media says you should look like. When I think back I have always felt inadequate and it is not from lack of love or support. It's just something that was always there. I do not hate myself, do not mistake this rambling as that. I am very happy with my life. I am just saying that sometimes it's easy to focus your energy on making someone else feel good that sometimes you forget to do it for yourself.

Here I am, almost 37 and still learning to love myself.  I for sure have days that I have no issues. But I find that I am always learning something new about myself. Everyday I try to embrace those things that I feel self conscious about, you have have too. Otherwise you'll be miserable all the time or you'll feel lost. It's healthy to continuously rediscover, reinvent yourself. Just make sure that you do it for you and no one else. Take the time, pamper yourself, get a tattoo or piercing or a spa day. Dye your hair a crazy color because you want to. Have fun with your life because, when you do, you'll discover you've really loved yourself the whole time.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Is Forever Enough

Living across the country, away from everyone and everything you grew up with, sometimes makes the holidays a little hard. It's bittersweet. I am not sad as this year comes to a close. I am filled with a renewed sense of hope.
The last 7 years have certainly had their ups and downs but, whose life doesn't? This little life we've built together is no better or worse than anyone else. Yes, not being able to have a child is hard. More difficult than can be explained. There will be worse times ahead and there will be amazing times ahead. That is life.

I think I always knew, right in core of my soul that I would adopt.  It was always just a fleeting thought though. One of those every once in awhile scenarios you think of and how you would handle it. After we moved to California, we began to see signs for adoption all the time. I think we would've started the process earlier but, I needed...we needed to try and go as far as we could with fertility treatments. We needed to be sure that we went as far as we felt necessary, and when I felt that my body and my spirit had been through enough, we opened the door to adoption. I know that we both went back and forth with it. It was the easiest and most difficult decision to make. I know I went back and forth on whether or not to adopt I had at one point ruled it out because of the cost.

With all that being said, we decided to launch a GoFundMe campaign.  We absolutely do not expect that will raise all the money that adoption will cost. We just hope to defer some of the cost.  Here is a link

We made a little video. All we is that you watch it and share.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Little Update

The last time a wrote a blog was back in July. I spoke of a failed IUI and the heartbreak it caused. I write yet again about a second failed IUI in August.

This heartbreak is different. We talked about what we would do should it fail. Do we continue with treatments or do we stop? When we realized the second IUI failed we made the decision to stop with treatments. I have been on and off different types of hormones for 5 and 1/2 years and I know my body could not handle all the new meds I would have to take if we did IVF. I still get residual effects from clomid (hot flashes, visual disturbances, etc.) and I haven't taken it in months.  It was not an easy decision, it was not as if we threw our hands in the air out of frustration and just walked about. We thought about it for a long time. We mourned the love we wanted most. It was as if we lost someone we cared so deeply for, we went through the stages of grief. I wanted to scream at the sky, why couldn't the thing that I had always dreamed of since before I could remember not be mine.
The thing is we aren't giving up, we are choosing a different road. We choose adoption. And I cannot tell you how freeing it felt to make that decision. It is an option we had been toying with for over a year. It is something I think we both knew was always meant to happen. We have told our families and most of our friends. You all have been so supportive and excited for us, it is truly a privilege to have you be a part of our lives. So now we start a new crazy journey and I couldn't be more excited.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

You're All I Notice in a Crowded Room

Well, where do I even begin? I've kind of been lazy about writing...I don't know if I'd call it lazy maybe more busy. Life has just been so different since we moved. And time goes by fast and slow at the same time. There are days that I wish would last forever and days that I want to end before noon.

A year ago I was writing about being late and I was so hopeful that I was pregnant. Obviously I wasn't. The last year has been filled with being late like that at least 3 more times. It might be more but I stopped counting. I was taking progesterone to induce a cycle and then clomid to force ovulation, which didn't work.  I think my body was just over it that it just gave the finger to science and did it's own thing. I also stopped listening to it. I was putting so much stock in medicine that I didn't listen. When I finally did listen everything just started to work like it always had. I was so happy and excited, we could finally move forward with the next step, IUI, and we did. There were no surprises everything fell in line so perfectly. We had the IUI done on June 24 and we had to wait an agonizing 2 weeks to see if I would be late.

Two weeks to let your mind wander and wonder. I was walking a fine line between being positive and being real. I had only told a few people. We really wanted to keep it closed in case it didn't work.
Two weeks of holding your breath and hoping. Two weeks to start to start to believe you're normal and not cursed. In the end two weeks is a long time. Yesterday we found out it didn't work.

Two weeks coming to a crashing end. It was a miracle I managed to keep my shit together yesterday. There were moments that I just wanted to put my fist through the computer monitor. I wanted to scream and curl up in to a ball of tears and sob uncontrollably. The stupid things you think about yourself, about your life, which you know is so stupid to do. I'm a failure a disappointment. Blah, blah, blah. Stupid. I let myself fall apart. I needed to not be okay. I need to be mad and cry and curse the universe. I needed to get it out. I am human and that's okay.

I just need one of the those great bear hugs from my grandpa and it would be alright. Yesterday was of those days where every song on the radio was put there just to make your emotions surface. It was also one of those days where you feel like every one if flaunting what you can't have. I know that sounds absurd but, when you just keep being pushed further away from a dream, all you see is what you don't have.

I don't really know how to end this but, this isn't over. We are picking ourselves up and trying again. We also are starting the process to foster to adopt. I know this isn't over for us. If there is one thing I am sure of, it's that we will be parents.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Far Away Coast

Life is full of big moments and, most of them you can't see coming.  There are moments that you know will eventually come and try as you might to ready yourself for them, it still feels like being punched in your stomach, more appropriately dead center of your soul.

The past few months have been a little crazy for us. We had been looking for sometime for a 2 bedroom apartment. We wanted to move out of downtown, some place a little quieter. After what seems like forever, we found a place and fell in love. It was close to all our friends and it had it's own washer and dryer! We were sold. So a few days after we saw the apartment, we went back to sign the lease. We were so excited. I was so excited. I wanted nothing more then to get out of downtown and fast, it was getting creepier by the day. We do the walk through and talk about this and that. I didn't realize I had missed a call from my parents until I went to get a pen from my bag. I saw the missed call and the voicemail and knew that I had to listen to it at that moment. Something told me it couldn't wait. I left Lenny with the landlord and walked into the empty room that would be our bedroom in less then a week and pulled up the voicemail. It was my dad and the message was short "Colleen, it's Dad. Call me back. Tonight." Seven words and they made my heart sink. I hesitated a moment before calling back. Did I want whatever bad news was waiting for me now or later?  I called him back. I was standing in our new apartment, in our new bedroom when I found out my grandfather had a heart attacked and passed away. It seemed like an eternity while I listened to him tell me what happened, listened to him tell me how my brother tried to save him. I remember trying so hard not cry there, not to cry while on the phone with my dad. I wanted so very much to be strong. Long story short, I was and still am devastated. It's been a month and yet it feels like yesterday and forever ago at the same time.

All the thoughts you think when you lose someone who was such a pillar in your life. I wish I could see him one last time, spoke to him one last time, tell him how thankful I was for so much. I loved him so very much, cared so deeply for him. Is he proud of all the choices I made to make my life better? And I know the answer to all those things without a doubt or second thought is, yes.

Once my Mom went back to work full time to help my Dad support us, my grandparents were there. When I was ever so sick so often when I was little they took care of me. My love for animals I get from them. Once our dog Shadow thought a baby squirrel was a rag doll and I caught her tossing the poor thing about by it's tail. It was grandfather who took it to the vet and nursed it back to health. Animals loved him. When I was little he had this African Grey parrot who hated everyone. He would bit everyone if you got close enough, but he loved my grandfather. The things I have learned from him cannot be measured. He was a great man and he gave his family a great life. He was a staple in our church. His was a life well lived and as Nanny would say, he is well away.

Two weeks prior my aunts had flown in for his 92nd birthday. And then we were all there again for him. I know that made him happy to have everyone there sharing in this life and this love he created with Nanny. He was a Merchant Marine who served during World War II. Never forgot to thank our Veterans, old and young. It was touching when they presented the Flag to Nanny.

I am thankful for all of my cousins, even the ones that aren't McGoverns or even related by blood you all made this difficult time a little more bearable. Whether you sent flowers, made me laugh or just plain let me sob on your shoulder, Thank you, it means more then I ever could properly express. And for the friends that reached out, thank you. And thank you to the dearest ones that took time out of their very busy day to drive an hour in Friday traffic just to be there, you know who you are.

I could never forget my husband who took on the very large task of packing and moving all our stuff into the new place. You are awesome.

I'm not sure what purpose this writing is to serve but I do know that I needed to do it.

Friday, July 11, 2014

21 Days

I had a moment of hesitation when I decided to write this particular blog. I thought what could I possibly say  now that I haven't said before, but the thing is I don't care if I sound like a broken record and if anyone reads this. Obviously I will post it to be read but I have realized now more then ever that this is for me and me alone. This is my therapy my little way to cope with this affliction that life has saddled me with.

So here I sit almost 8 months since I last posted. And I haven't posted for so long simply because there was nothing to say. Nothing had moved forward or backward. Everything was just stagnant, but always hopeful. Always and forever waiting for that little ray of hope in this ever agonizing journey. There was definitely  a moment when I thought what had I done in my life or past life or whatever that was so awful that I should be made to want, to need the one thing that would fill that empty space. My body was just simply designed to not work that way.

I am now so very much annoyed with the way this is going. Filling this page with sweet words to soften the way I feel, to draw sympathy. Being all emotional and watching logic just walk right out the door. All these words are just meant to draw you in so you can feel my pain because at times I want you to hurt just as much as I do. That sounds so horrible and immature of me but, it is so human of me too. I'm sorry (sort of) to be so blunt and honest but I have walked a good portion of my life treading carefully around others and keeping things bottled up and I'm done. As I stated earlier this little blog is for me to cope with being childless for no good reason.

Moving on. So thinking that I needed so pretty amazing karma for this dream to become a reality I started doing things for strangers. First it was just buying everyone coffee  that were behind me in line. I did that a lot and from time to time I still do. After awhile it just wasn't gratifying enough so, I moved on. Now Long Beach, in my ever so humble opinion, is the mecca for the homeless. There are so many. I started buying gift cards for groceries and giving them out. I remember the first time I bought a gift card so my husband to give it away. He gave it to this hippy looking guy with tattoos and he was thankful but, it was his girlfriend who almost cried. I still smile when I think about it. Lenny still "pays it forward" from time to time. He is my soul mate, the constant and unwavering love of my life. 15 years up amazing highs and soul crushing blows. One is always there to pick the other up. So after awhile I stopped giving a shit about karma. I stopped thinking that I was going to rack up all these "good deeds" points and swing life into my favor. The reality is, I'm not doing a good deed, I am being human. I am no better then the person next to me.

I digress. I have rambled on for far too long, not even touching the reason that I started to write. It happens. Sometimes you start to write with one intention and end up writing something completely different.

So I am frustrated. and I had thought it would be bad luck to write this but we've been trying to conceive for 5 and a half years so what bad luck could we possible get from writing this. 21 days this the amount of days that I am late. No positive pregnancy tests. I've taken 3 all different brands. So I made an appointment for today to make sure. What did they have me do, pee in a cup. Which by the way I happened to spill all over myself. Luckily there was just enough left to test. Another negative. What the holy hell is this garbage. The doctor just told me to test again next week. All I could think is what for it will be negative. Day 28 will be no different that days 7,14,15,17 and 21. So now I just have to wait yet another week for disappointment. This is beyond annoying, and I am a little made at myself. I should have waited make the appointment. I am so silly some times to think that this would be at all easy. I know better. It will be filled with medications that make me feel like crap, procedures to make me feel like a biology experiment where I am poked and prodding at. Sigh. I feel better I guess.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


     I know the thing to do during the month of November is to say or post one thing you are thankful for everyday.  Some might think it's corny or whatever but, what is so wrong for being thankful? 

This is our second Thanksgiving in California. Our first wasn't the greatest, we had just moved to Long Beach and being the procrastinators that we are, we were still unpacking. That is just one of those things that make us well, us. Money was tight (really tight) but we still found away to have a great home cooked meal. I am thankful for that first year. We learned to appreciate everything we had and never once did we fight about money or our decision to leave everything behind and start fresh. I am thankful for my husband and our Sammy. They make our little dwelling a home. They make my heart fill with love so much that it almost bursts. I would be lost without them. Yes it was definitely hard to not be surrounded by family and friends and we'll probably always feel a little sadness around the holidays but we know we are loved, everyday.

I am thankful for All my friends. If I've met you when I was four, a teenager or a woman grown. You have all left you're marks on my soul. I've learned so many new things from all of you. If we are the closest of friends or just friends for just a season. I am grateful to have met you. Friends are amazing people, they walk into your life and make an impression that lasts a lifetime. Most are more like family. I love you so very much.


I am thankful for ALL my aunts and uncles, am I blessed to have so many of you wonderful people. It is equivalent to having extra sets of parents. They each have a different story and taught me different things along the way. Some have moved on from this world, I miss them very much.

I am thankful for my cousins, there are just way to many of you to count! It's like have all the brothers and sisters a girl could ever ask for. Some are old and some are younger. It has been a pure joy to have Each and Every one of you in my life and watch you all grow and become your own person. You are all each unique and yet well all have something in common, family. Our love for our families is paramount. We are blessed.

I am thankful for my grandparents. They loved me for me. I've learned to love musicals, ballet, to dance, to cook, to sing, to knit and sew and to love everything creature and animal. They gave me insight as to how my parents were shaped as people and how that has shaped me. We've shared secrets and many loving memories.

I am every so grateful for my parents. They have shown me love and courage. They worked hard to provide for me and my brother. They taught us to be silly, have fun. They taught us how to be responsible and that family is important. Family will always pick you up. Family never leaves, falters or fails. More importantly that no matter where life might take us we can always go home.

And last but definitely not the least my any means, I am thankful for my brother, my Alex. I love you more that I can put in words. I love you for all the mean things you did to me (as was and still is your birth rite, being the oldest). I love you for the sweet things you have done for me. I still have the ceramic Care Bear you paint for me for Christmas. I thank you for that infectious smile you have. You should flash it more often. You are the craziest person I know, with that huge heart of yours. Always forgiving. All the memories we have created, the joy, heartbreak, loss and love we have shared have created to imperfectly perfect siblings. I wouldn't trade you for the world. Never in a million years.

So to all of you be thankful for all you have and even what you don't. Be thankful for today, to be able to share food and drink and laughter and love. Hugs and kisses to you all. Happy Thanksgiving.